Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Free Download Cisco Packet Tracker Ver. 7.0

Hello, hope that all are going well. You are also enjoying networking  with cisco packet tracer.
Today I'm going to share with you the Cisco Packet Tracer 7 for windows platfor (64 bit). The Cisco Packet Tracer 7 released June 17, 2016. Some new features are added in it. Lets see, what is the new features:

1. Improvements of HTTP server
2. Physical workspace
3. Other changes like SPAN/RSPAN, L2NAT, PTP, REP etc support
4. New devices added
5. Features for smart home applications and smart devices

So lets see what is the minimum system requirement if you want to run this cisco packet tracer 7.
1. CPU : Should be pentium 4, 2.53 GHz or higher
2. RAM : should be 512MB or higher
3. Storage : 400MB (for no tutorial version)
4. Display resulation : 800 x 600 or higher

Also should have adobe flash player installed.

This version supports windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

This Packet Tracer is actually provided by cisco, for your better download, I've uploaded it to google drive. So lets download this cisco packet tracer 7.

Size: 79 MB
Download Link : Free download Cisco Packet Tracer 7 for windows (64 bit), with tutorial version

Lets see, screenshots of It:

cisco packet tracer 7 for windows (64bit) with tutorial version 
New added features:
cisco packet tracer 7 new features